This seasons Bucket Hat has received a slight pattern adjustment; the height has been set to 15cm for the crown, while the top panel is now completely circular. This makes you able to wear the hat from any position and the look / appearance would not change. Using a US Military grade quilted liner fabric, the hat also features an adjustable size strap internally and will keep you warm and protected also from any rays if you are out in the daytime. Unisex.
- FABRICS | 生地・素材 -
Quilted Military Liner (Nylon shell, Polyester fill)
- DETAILS | 詳細 -
Crown 15cm, 3 panel design, adjustable size head band, cotton lining and taping, hand stamped
クラウン 15cm、3パネルデザイン、調整可能なヘッドバンド、コットンライニングとテーピング、手作業でスタンプ
Brim - 5.5cm
ブリム - 5.5cm
サイズ - SM(55cm - 59cm)/ ML(58cm - 62cm), ユニセックス
Made in Japan 日本製