The Classic 6 Panel Cap is redone this time to have a shorter brim (7.5cm) to offer variety to one of our basic fits. The back is designed to slightly hug the back of your head while the front sits on the tip of your forehead. The brim has a semi soft feel and the back is elastic back designed making it super clean. Unisex.
- FABRICS | 生地・素材 -
MA - 1 / Flight Satin Nylon
MA - 1 / フライトサチンナイロン
- DETAILS | 詳細 -
Crown 16cm x 16cm x 17cm, 6 Panel Design, full back elastic, brim is slightly more sturdy (compared to Main Line), Cotton twill taping, Cotton twill lining, Cotton twill inner band, hand stamped
クラウン16cm x 16cm x 17cm, 6パネルデザイン, 後ろゴム,頑丈なブリム , コットンツイルテーピング, コットンツイルライニング, コットンツイルインナーバンド, ハンドスタンプ
Brim - Regular size (7.5cm x 19cm), soft brim (felt / tricot)
ブリム - Regular size (7.5cm x 19cm), ソフトブリム (フェルト / トリコ)
Sizes - ML (58cm - 62cm), unisexユニセックス
Made in Japan 日本製